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Donate to Protect Lower Cook Inlet

The sustainable natural resources of Lower Cook Inlet are priceless

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Now is the Time to Protect Lower Cook Inlet

The fishing and tourism seasons are now in high gear, and everywhere we look, one undeniable truth stands-out: the sustainable natural resources of Lower Cook Inlet are priceless.

Halibut, cod and salmon drive small-boat commercial fisheries that support our local fishing families. Sports fishing and charter operators attract hundreds of thousands of people who spread their dollars through our local communities. Add hiking, kayaking and wildlife viewing to the mix, and you get strong local economies that rely on healthy and sustainable natural resources.

Even in a state as spectacular as Alaska, Lower Cook Inlet stands out. The west side of Lower Cook Inlet boasts the highest concentration of brown bears on the planet. Magnificent public lands surround the region - including Katmai & Lake Clark National Parks, the Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge, the Kachemak Bay State & Wilderness Parks and the Kachemak Bay Critical Habitat Area. Five active volcanoes abut our amazing home, and every month we witness one of the world’s greatest tidal exchanges.

It’s easy to recognize: Cook Inlet is a special place. And it can continue to support us for many years to come if we manage it correctly.

Unfortunately, Hilcorp wants to expand oil and gas development into Lower Cook Inlet, and to radically change the character, economy and ecology of this amazing area.