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Protect What You Love

Join the Movement: Empower Change for a Thriving Future

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A Thriving & Equitable Cook Inlet │ Tikahtnu

Your donation will directly contribute to implementing the key initiatives below. These solutions are the cornerstones of our vision for a thriving Cook Inlet:

  • Marine Life & Coasts: Supporting beluga whale population recovery, sustainable fisheries, and the preservation of healthy coastal habitats.
  • Energy & Economy: Advancing towards a clean, independent energy economy while promoting local job creation and a robust local food economy.
  • Salmon & Rivers: Prioritizing healthy wild salmon populations, fish habitat protection, groundwater preservation, and reforming mining practices.
  • Pollution & Waste: Holding industries accountable, upgrading wastewater treatment facilities, enhancing electronic recycling, and protecting human health from harmful chemicals.

By supporting us, you're actively contributing to tangible solutions that will safeguard the Cook Inlet's waters, marine life, and the overall well-being of our communities. Your generosity will help us work towards a future where the Cook Inlet thrives as a resilient and healthy ecosystem.

Let us be stewards of change, initiators of possibility, and champions of a world-embracing
equitable transitions and flourishing ecosystems.

Together, we wield the power to mend the web of life and embark on a journey of transformation,
not only to safeguard this place we call home but also to uplift generations yet to come.